Actor Ranvir Shorey on Tuesday confirmed that his son Haroon tested positive for COVID-19 and is currently asymptomatic. The actor, who shares 10-year-old Haroon with former wife and actor Konkona Sensharma, tested positive for the virus when Shorey and their son took an RT-PCR test on their way back to the city from Goa.
“My son Haroon and I were on holiday in #Goa, and during the routine RT-PCR testing for the flight back to Mumbai, he has turned out to be #Covid positive," he wrote on Twitter.
My son Haroon and I were on holiday in #Goa, and during the routine RT-PCR testing for the flight back to Mumbai, he has turned out to be #Covid positive. We are both completely asymptomatic and have immediately quarantined until further investigations.
The wave is real. #India— Ranvir Shorey (@RanvirShorey) December 28, 2021
“We are both completely asymptomatic and have immediately quarantined until further investigations. The wave is real. #India,” he tweeted.
On Monday, Goa’s COVID-19 tally reached 1,80,117 after 67 new cases were observed.
Mumbai recorded 1333 cases on Tuesday.
Ranvir Shorey and Konkana Sen Sharma started dating in 2007 and married three years later in 2010. They filed for divorce in 2020 but have been separated since 2015. Ranvir was last seen in Lootcase.
Also Read: Raghav Juyal to play a dark character in Hasal alongside Sanjay Mishra and Ranvir Shorey
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